Come on of you must still have an active subscription!!!You could just look it up and scan in the #'s for us?????
help....i have heard that the u.s. report in the jan 1 wt showed a 3% increase!
the past 15 years or so never saw growth more than 1%.
dis they change the way these figures are compiled resulting in exagerated numbers?
Come on of you must still have an active subscription!!!You could just look it up and scan in the #'s for us?????
did anyone watch w5 last night on cbc at 9 pm?(canada).
it was another hour long program of child abuse vicitms and the watchtower society.. it looked very very bad .
bill bowen was on.. it was a very powerful program.. .
Hey Survivor,
I too am faily new here and did as you did as well. LURKEY LOO!! Found everything very interesting and odd and maddening as I read through some of the experiences. I was in chat for the first time last night. We got some wild and crazy folks in there let me tell yah. But I like it a lot.
If you are anything like me the last six months has probably been so very overwhelming, and yet freeing at the same time. Stay here for a while. You will learn a lot.
"Eaten By Birds"
for everyone who's watched.... or is in the process of watching the show..... .
please feel free to post your comments.... reactions.... quotes that stood out in your mind here!.
love, scully
Doesn't it all jus make you so freekin mad. I can't believe it.......I can believe it. The thing that pises me off is that because nobody from the "Cult" would comment, all the good little followers will be convinced that evil apostates are running amuck.
Too Bad so sad, and open you bloody eyes and think for yourself just this one time. Oh it just infuriates me. And to think we all probably had one of these in our own halls, that we didn't even know about.
On the positive side. I felt that this show was much better than dateline. Much more invovled, much more detailed, and I also felt that the pople reporting were actually showing some emotion in dealing with these people. I felt that dateline was careful in showing any feeling, but rather just displaying the facts. Godd for you 5th Estate, and all who took part. I applaude you for your courage to face this issue in your life yet again.
{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs to you all}}}}}}}}}}}}}
"Eaten by birds"
a bit of background first.
i was raised a jw and baptized at 15 although to say i was dedicated was stupid, anyway began to fade with my wife after we were married and finally broke away about 10 years ago although we were not da,d or df,d.
three years ago i decided to do what i had always wanted to and joined the airforce which i am immensly proud of and enjoy greatly ,somrthing i could never say about being a jw.
It never ceases to amaze me. 9 times out of ten, we have left because of the ill treatment of the congregation and the overall lack of love, or if you've"sinned" against some stupid "principal" they practically chase you out cuz they really don't want you there. (that's message I got)
Then TEN years later they need to punish you some more?????????????????????????
Bunch o stinkin rotten jacks with nothing better to do than to try to run and ruin someone else's life.
Eaten by Birds
back what seems like a zillion years ago i finally got up the courage to take my first door.
i had been out in service a few times, but this was going to be the one where i did all the talking.. knock knock knock.
door opens, i shuffle my feet and say "nice door, did you buy that or did it come with the house?".
i met a jw man a little more than 2 years ago.
he grew up in the truth.
i was worldly.
I can't believe you didn't get the "LOVE BOMB". Perhaps a change in policy. I have a sneaky hunch it is because you "stole" one of the highly coveted single brothers away from the (blah blah blah, I'm a dirty tramp) skanky sis's. HA HA. Sorry to hear that your experience was as bad as mine, cept I got the love bomb, and wasted almost 20 years of my life. Get out while you can, cuz it ain't gonna get any better. (until you leave that is)
"Eaten by birds" (no class)
it seems that it would be very useful to know the tricks jws use, most of us are no doubt aware of this on some level but i thought it would be nice to really get into them, maybe even look at some actual incidents that have happend to see what was going on.
what comes to mind for me is that some of the emotions involved are guilt, shame and fear, but not only that there is the whole "love bombing" thing on the other side.
i think it's worth pointing out that the bombing is basically to stroke your ego, i mean they are being nice to you because they want a new person.
I remember most of all the love bombing myself. More Love than I'd ever seen, and I think it was because my parent was already a new one so how much deeper her love would be pushed if she saw the love bomb of her own children. I saw also guilt, and tons of it heaped. They can't associate with us because we aren't quite there yet, so maybe we should do more to get there. Crap like that. I'm telling you; I will never ever judge any person whatsoever by anything other that how they treat me as an individual. Quite contrary to popular JW teaching. This ones okay but that one not. All people are great in my eyes whether race, religion, sex, marital status, or financel, as long as they do nothing to hurt me, I'm cool.
hello to you all, i feel like i know a lot of you because i been here so long and watched you "talking" here so much.
please know that you are all helping many people.
i started to to the e dance called the "lurk" you've all done it or heard of it.
Thanks for the welcome and for those in chat, thank you too. I, think this will be great
Eaten by Birds
hello to you all, i feel like i know a lot of you because i been here so long and watched you "talking" here so much.
please know that you are all helping many people.
i started to to the e dance called the "lurk" you've all done it or heard of it.
Hello to you all, I feel like I know a lot of you because I been here so long and watched you "talking" here so much. Please know that you are all helping many people. (IE). I started to to the E dance called the "lurk" you've all done it or heard of it Next thing I've two and three friends looking over my shoulder telling me what to look at next. Well to make a long story shorter, see below and after reading feel free to Pat yourelves on the back, cuz you guys are great and I like great people.
I just had to put words to the page. Today is my first post. Not that I'm gonna say anything, but I figure a year or more of just reading this stuff, is enough to get a bit of my own courage to say something. And what I would like to say is thank you you have strengthened my resolve and and help me look deeper into the crap that although I took it willingly, has screwed my life up. But no crying, no need for the WAAAAAAAAHHHMBULANCE!! Fresh page is what I'm on. Never felt better, and wouldn't give you a big fat rats ass for any "spiritual help". Can't wait til they come to my door so I can tell them that. Haven't popped by as of yet. Damn!!
Please bear with me as I am very new with the posting thing and yeah by the way.......BE NICE TO ME, I HAD A HARD DAY!!
BTW I am AS IF of the Eaten by Birds CLASS!!
hello to you all, i feel like i know a lot of you because i been here so long and watched you "talking" here so much.
please know that you are all helping many people.
i started to to the e dance called the "lurk" you've all done it or heard of it.
Hello to you all, I feel like I know a lot of you because I been here so long and watched you "talking" here so much. Please know that you are all helping many people. (IE). I started to to the E dance called the "lurk" you've all done it or heard of it Next thing I've two and three friends looking over my shoulder telling me what to look at next. Well to make a long story shorter, see below and after reading feel free to Pat yourelves on the back, cuz you guys are great and I like great people.
I just had to put words to the page. Today is my first post. Not that I'm gonna say anything, but I figure a year or more of just reading this stuff, is enough to get a bit of my own courage to say something. And what I would like to say is thank you you have strengthened my resolve and and help me look deeper into the crap that although I took it willingly, has screwed my life up. But no crying, no need for the WAAAAAAAAHHHMBULANCE!! Fresh page is what I'm on. Never felt better, and wouldn't give you a big fat rats ass for any "spiritual help". Can't wait til they come to my door so I can tell them that. Haven't popped by as of yet. Damn!!
Please bear with me as I am very new with the posting thing and yeah by the way.......BE NICE TO ME, I HAD A HARD DAY!!
BTW I am AS IF of the Eaten by Birds CLASS!!